Revelada la lista completa de logros de DOOM Eternal

Ya queda muy poco para que se lance DOOM Eternal en nuestro país, concretamente este viernes 20 de marzo se pondrá a la venta uno de los shooters en primera persona más relevantes y esperados por todos los fans.

Pues bien en el día de hoy hemos conocido la lista completa de logros de DOOM Eternal. A continuación os dejamos con ellos.

¿Qué tal como lo veis? ¿Os parecen muy difíciles o accesibles?

Como es habitual en este tipo de juegos la clave esta en jugar y jugar, para que vayan saltándonos los logros como si fueran palomitas. Disfrutar de los videojuegos y de vuestras Xbox One en estos momentos tan difíciles.

DoomsdayComplete Hell on Earth20
Darn It, They Keep BREAKINGPerform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slot33
The Hunters Became the HuntedKill the Doom Hunters30
Interplanetary FrackingBlow a hole in Mars20
Thumbs DownBest the Gladiator in the coliseum25
Reforged and RefueledAcquire a new Crucible in Taras Nabad50
The Once and Future SlayerComplete the Campaign on any difficulty50
Running Up the High ScoreComplete Extra Life Mode with 10 Extra Lives in your Inventory50
Crystal CravingUpgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo20
King of the CrystalsFully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo in a single save slot30
This One’s my FavoriteComplete a Praetor Suit Perk category in a single save slot15
They’re ALL My FavoritePurchase all Praetor Suit Perks in a single save slot100
HomemaykrSpend 8 Sentinel Batteries in the Fortress of Doom in a single save slot25
Extra Extra LivesPick up 20 Extra Lives Total in a single save slot30
Reforged the Genie LampComplete the cheat code collection in a single save slot10
Metal HeadComplete the album collection in a single save slot10
Playset Sold SeparatelyComplete the toy collection in a single save slot10
If Only I Could Read…Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot30
Bonus StageComplete a Slayer Gate20
Breaker of GatesComplete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot40
GunpletionistMaster all Weapon Mods in a single save slot30
Mix and MatchPlay as 5 different Player Demons in BATTLEMODE20
Fight Like HellDo 5000 damage as a Player Demon in BATTLEMODE20
Blood BathKill 200 opponents in BATTLEMODE20
Man vs MonstersPlay 25 BATTLEMODE matches25
Weapons ExpertKill a Player Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in BATTLEMODE10
Truce between DemonsHeal yourself or your teammate for 50000 health in BATTLEMODE20
It’s a Magic NumberKill 666 Demons67

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